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Summer Schedule 2019
SUMMER CLASSES – June 18th to July 25th
(No class held the week of the 4th of July)
TUESDAYS: Beg June 18th – July 23rd
9-9:45a Dance 1 Ballet/Jazz ages 3-5 Kenzie/Ryley
9:45-10:30 Dance 2 Ballet/Jazz ages 4-6 Kenzie/Ryley
10:30-11:15 Beg Tumbling ages 5-8 Kenzie/Ryley
11:15-Noon Int Tumbling ages 9-11 Kenzie/Taysa
12:00-1:00 Dance 3 Ballet/Jazz ages 6-8 Taysa
1:00-1:45 Beg HipHop ages 7-10 (boys/girls) Taysa
WEDNESDAYS: Beg June 19th-July 24th
10:00-10:45 Int Technique/Stretch ages 10-14 Kenzie
10:45-11:30 Int HipHop ages 11&Up (boys/girls) Kenzie
11:30-12:30 Adv. Tumbling Back Walkovers/Handsp. Taysa/Kenzie
12:30-1:30 Adv. Dance Tech/Conditioning 13&Up Taysa
THURSDAYS: Beg June 20th-July 25th
9:00-10:00 Beg Ballet Technique ages 7-10 Savana/Ryley
10:00-11:00 Intermed Ballet (Mini/Demi) ages 9&Up Savana/Ryley
11:00-11:30 Pre-Pointe *by instructor only Savana/Ryley
11:30-12:30 Adv Ballet (Jr/Sr/Elite) *by instructor Savana/Ryley
12:30-1:30 Pointe Class (Jr/Sr/Elite) *by instructor Savana/Ryley
1:30-2:30 Contemporary/Jazz ages 12&Up Taysa
$75-1 class full summer session
***$15 each additional class full summer session
**Family Summer Max Out= $200
*Multiple students/classes!!!
or 208-308-6866
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